Monday, December 6, 2010

Clearing up a bit of confusion

In the article recently published by the Redlands Daily Facts there was an important bit of information that was taken out of context when the story was written.

Nicholas' family would like me to make all aware that donations to the Memorial Fund, at present time, are directly going to Cynthia and Deanna to assist them financially in the wake of Nick's death. As many of us already knew, Nick was the main bread-winner for all 3 in his household (himself, Cynthia and Deanna). Cynthia and Deanna are diligently working to resolve things with the V.A., but significant costs fell upon them both in the past two weeks. Also, when the V.A.'s reimbursement does come through it will only cover about 20% of the total cost. Please know that in the distant future, if it is possible to assist families of veterans enduring similar circumstances with information and financial assistance, both Cynthia and Deanna will do what they can to continue with the Memorial Fund in Nick's name in his honor. But for now your donations are directly supporting the family in their ongoing time of need.

I thank each and every one of you who has contributed to Nick's Memorial Fund. Please check back now and then for future fund raising efforts.



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